Sandra Seidel

Sandy Seidel
Assistant Dean and Professor

B.S., William and Mary
M.E., University of Virginia
Ph.D., University of Virginia


269 B Monroe Hall

Wise students visit an academic dean to obtain accurate information and to seek advice. Visits may include a discussion about course selection, choices of majors and minors, study abroad, internship and undergraduate research opportunities, graduate and professional school interests. I encourage students to visit my office to seek information and ask for advice regarding anything on their minds that they wish to give voice to. I am interested in the extracurricular activities and avocations of students as well. My favorite time of year is when I get to greet incoming first years during Summer Orientation.

I teach BIOL 1210: Human Biology and Disease, an health literacy course designed for non-science majors which discusses practical applications related to human anatomy & physiology, wellness and disease. The College Advising Seminar, COLA 1500: What Makes Us Tick, discusses cardiovascular physiology and topics related to academic advising while COLA1500: Mindfulness: Awareness and Habit introduces students to mindfulness practices in class and encourages participation in many activities around Grounds.

I enjoy walking, sitting and reading with my cat Duke, and listening and dancing to live music in many Charlottesville venues. Mindfulness practices are incorporated into my teaching and advising as I continue grow in my own yoga and meditation practices. My office abounds with plants and books and positive energy; please do not hesitate to visit so that we may get to know one another during your years at UVa.

International Residential College