Liberal Arts Seminars (LASE) & Exploring the Liberal Arts (ELA) Classes

Fall 2022 Classes

ELA has courses on study skills, leadership, College resources and making the most of your liberal arts degree. These classes count as part of the 18 non-College credits you are allowed.  NOTE: Students entering in fall 2021 will be limited to 12 non-College credits.
LASE classes are liberal arts seminars offered on a range of topics; see below.

Note: LASE classes count as College credit; ELA classes count as non-College credit (effective fall 2015).

Engaging the Liberal Arts (ELA) Classes

ELA 2610 Liberal Arts and the Health Professions | Section 001 (Kimberly Sauerwein)
Students explore how insights from various disciplines inform their understanding of healthcare. Guest lectures and informational interviews connect students with healthcare professionals to gain a better understanding of the various health professions and to assess their own career goals.  Students develop skills in interdisciplinary research and problem solving, in oral and written communication, and the integration of diverse perspectives.
Please note: This class counts as credit from "outside" the College.

Liberal Arts Seminars (LASE)

LASE 2510 Identity and University | Section 001 (Jennifer LaFleur)
The aim of this class is to advance your skills in the kind of critical reading, analytical thinking, and self-directed learning which university coursework requires. Supported by peer-mentors and utilizing evidence-based tools and strategies, you will engage with scholarship on the definition and expression of social identities, as well as on the nature of the university as a community, shaping and shaped by its increasingly diverse membership.

LASE 2510 Hoos Got This: Life Skills and Learning Strategies | Section 002 through 005 (Karlin Luedtke and Christy Rotman)
This class exposes students to evidence-based approaches to the learning process, introduces effective study strategies and life skills, and faclitates the utilization of university resources that offer student support. Course topics include the science of learning, metacognition, goal setting, and learning and time management strategies among others. Students will have the flexibility to self-select topics and assignments most relevant to them. This is a one-credit, asynchronous class offered for CR/NC only. Instructor permission is required for sections 002, 003 and 004.
Please note: Students enrolling in LASE 2510 should not simultaneously enroll in LASE 3510.

LASE 2510 Using Your A&S Degree | Section 006 (Charlie Gleek)
A UVA Arts and Sciences education is by design not vocational in nature, and yet research shows that it provides unmatched preparation for success in life and work after college, even in comparison with pre-professional degrees. Paradoxically, while your specific A&S major will likely have little direct relationship to your career(s), the habits of mind and intellectual abilities you’ve cultivated in the major and beyond are immensely powerful tools in whatever field you choose immediately after graduation and throughout your lifetime.   
This course concerns itself with understanding and examining this paradox. Through targeted readings and discussions with a range of guest speakers, we will engage the arts and sciences as a set of tools that have a life outside of grounds and after graduation.  We'll focus on applying this knowledge to your impending life beyond college and on investigating the many different paths to purposeful and fulfilling work that an A&S degree can facilitate

LASE 3510 Topics in the Liberal Arts: Academic Success Strategies | Sections 005 & 006 (Jennifer LaFleur)
Academic Realities & Strategies for Success is a 1-credit, graded course that introduces students who have struggled academically in the previous semester to effective study strategies, University resources & life skills that support student success. Class covers a range of content relevant to academic performance, including time & stress management, critical thinking skills, and life strategies for achieving success in the college environment.  Instructor permission required.
Please note: Students enrolling in LASE 3510 should not simultaneously enroll in LASE 2510.